I will be performing at the CLINAM SUMMIT, The Conference and Exhibition European & Global Summit for Cutting-Edge Medicine, on Monday, June 27 in Basel.
Ballet 101
by Eric Gauthier
A great solo!
June 26 – 29, 2016
Clinical Nanomedicine and Targeted Medicine
Enabling Technologies for Personalized Medicine
Conference Venue:
Congress Center, Messeplatz 21, 4058 Basel, Switzerland
Phone + 41 58 206 28 28 info@congress.ch
Organizers Office:
European Foundation for Clinical Nanomedicine (CLINAM)
Alemannengasse 12, P.B. 4016 Basel, Switzerland
Phone +41 61 695 93 95 clinam@clinam.org
Registration Office:
Organizers Schweiz GmbH, CLINAM SUMMIT 9/2016
Obere Egg 2, CH 4312 Magden, Switzerland
Phone +41 61 836 98 78 registration@organizers.ch