My TED Talk is here
MY TED TALK IS HERE!!! It is not easy for me to post this... but I think it is important.
A big thank you to Philip Kannicht and Bruno Raco for there amazing original composition. Thank you to Jonathan Alsberry for working my solo and coaching me. We worked quite well together and you gave the solo fire. Thank you to my wife Lisa Braswell for helping me remember my life and for your passionate work on my text. Thank you to Jennifer Chough and the whole TEDxBasel team for the opportunity. Thank you to Theater Basel for your support. Thank you Marco Ferraro for seeing light in me. PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO :) is here!
INTERVIEWENLAIR.COM is finally published with major improvements including:
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Armando featured in the Basler Zeitung Newspaper
What a nice surprise!
An English translation is below.
A Rough English translation:
From New York City to Basel
Armando Braswell dances his third season at the Theater Basel - and is excited about the new home.
His kids will love the Zolli. And the Autumn Fair, the many treats - or ride on the carousel. The proximity of the Rhine. And the playgrounds in the park. If Armando Braswell sees his two sons Noah and Gabe grow up in Basel, carefree and safe, he is grateful. For he himself had a difficult childhood, had to fight through bite zweitweise. The dancers grew up in the major American metropolis of New York. When he was 9 years old, he lost his biological mother, Armando and his twin sister came to adoptive parents. His "new" mother took care of ten children, she was overwhelmed financially, what the children were feeling. Eventually, the house burned down, there was Braswell 16. "I've decided to move out and continue to stand on their own two feet." He stayed with friends on the floor, on the couch, sometimes in hallways. During this time he danced a lot, several hours a day, cut on his technique. "For two years, the dancing everything for me, it gave me confidence and new courage to face life," says the Americans. At 18, he danced at the Juilliard School, one of the most respected and recognized music conservatories in the world. Only twelve men are taken annually, Braswell did not make it on the first try. A year later, he convinced the strict jury - and was able to resume the study: "The four years were incredibly intense, and hard. More than once I wanted to stop. It is constantly compared with others is never good enough. I was mentally to my limits, "he says. A teacher believed in his talent and finally persuaded him to quit the study. "I'm the first one in our family who managed a degree. This fills me with pride. "
First Munich, then Stuttgart
Two weeks later, he left with his wife Lisa, who he has known since college, New York to audition in Munich. He managed thanks to the recommendation of a friend at the Theater am Gärtnerplatz, danced there for one year. Then, as the artistic director joined the couple Braswell moved on to Stuttgart. He was one of the founding members of the dance ensemble "Gauthier Dance". For five years he remained in Stuttgart. He repeatedly asked about Basel, "the ballet has an excellent international reputation." In 2012, he was able to convince the ballet director Richard Wherlock the audition and got a permanent contract in ballet ensemble. That was 2012. Today, the American and lives with his family in width district, directly on the Rhine - and is excited about the city. "Basel is alive, provides day and night cultural events. I find here everything I need to live, "says one, who grew up in the big city of New York. The dancer shakes his head: "New York is not as glamorous as many believe. Only those who have money, you can live without worries. Without it can also be very hard. "That's why Braswell sees his future here in a European city like Basel. They offer better prospects for his children who already speak German.
Lisa's Cupcakes
His wife Lisa wants to establish its own foothold here, she bakes cupcakes Armando Braswell must test every day. "As a dancer I train enough to I can afford it," he says with a wink. He is aware that he is one with 31 already for the older iron. "I dance as long as I can dance," he says on his future plans addressed. His own blog - "L'interview de l'air", which he feeds every two weeks with a new artist portrait, have awakened another passion in him to take those for writing, journalism foot, would thus be an option for him: "What I learned as a teenager in New York: There's always a new chance at life. You just have to believe in it. "
Die Liebe kann tanzen
Come see Ballett Basel in "Die Liebe kann tanzen" a new evening length by amazing German choreographer, Stephan Thoss.
It was an absolute pleasure to work with Stephan Thoss. He is a true artist. His passion is incredible. He pushed us to new heights. The company looks beautiful.
From the review:
"Verstärkt wird das Augenmerk dabei auf den amerikanischen Ausnahmetänzer Armando Braswell gelenkt, der erneut sprunggewaltig, athletisch-ausdrucksstark sämtliche Register seiner Kunst zieht.
" ENGLISH:"Special attention is given to the exceptional dancer Armando Braswell. A tremendous jumper, athletic and expressive, he pulls out all the stops of his art again."
Read the full review here:
Please visit the Theater Basel website for more information including beautiful photos! .Info on the production and ticket information here.
"Real Talk" with Armando Braswell
A new interview series in collaboration with Dance For You magazine.
When someone is being interviewed, they always put their best face forward. "Real Talk" is designed to help young dancers and professionals by providing them with the whole truth about the problems faced by artists...on stage and off.
You will see topics like:
Common mistakes made at auditions
"Outside of dance" treatments
Weird rituals before class or a show
Dancing with someone you don't get along with
Being 2nd cast or a cover
Relationships at work
Dancing with pain
and MANY more.
Check it out starting in January in Dance For You Magazine!!!
Are there any questions you would like to see?
Alumni Profile with Armando Braswell
Alumni Profile: An interview with Armando Braswell (B.F.A. '06, dance)
It is an honor to be featured. Nice to answer questions for once!
Check it out guys:
Here is a small bit:
Currently, I am a soloist with the Ballet Basel in Switzerland and creator of Interview En L'air, a new online artists interview series. On a typical work day, I wake up at around 7:30 a.m. My two young sons make sure of that. The mornings can be stressful when the kids are on their way to school, but let's just say I've grown to love the chaos... READ MORE
Main Photo by: © 2014 The Juilliard School
“Pas-varotti” premiere at Noverre Society
I am happy to announce that I will be presenting a new duet called "Pas-varotti" at the Noverre Society Evening. Amazing set + good music +great dancers = a good show!!!!!Get your tickets, they go fast!
July 17, 18 @ 19:30 - Premiere at The Stuttgart Schauspielhaus.
by Armando Braswell
The man, The music, The life. A tribute to Pavarotti in three sections.
Music by Luciano Pavarotti Arrangement and Mix by Philip Kannicht Dancers: Jorge Garcia Perez and Armando Braswell Set design by Fabio Masini - A brilliant set! This is our first collaboration. Costume by Marianne Illig
Review Stuttgarter Nachrichten:
Review Online Merker:
My second creation with the FABULOUS Jorge Garcia Perez!!! I am lucky to have him :) !
Here is the master at work
Happy Birthday Interview En L'air!
One year ago today I published my first Interview. I am humbled by this whole experience. I am so happy and proud of we have made... And I am just getting started!
THANK YOU to all of the artists who believed enough in this to participate.
Larry Rhodes
Bob Rizzo
Bridget Breiner
Cora Bos-Kroese
Roberto Scafati
Askia Swift
Philip Taylor
Austin McCormick
James Sutherland
Michael Blake
Patrick Delcroix
Prince Credell
Ida Zenna
Eva Dewaele
Thibaut Cherradi
Egon Madsen
Larry Keigwin
Cheryl Mann
Andy Monroe
Phillip Kannicht
Francesco Nappa
Patsy Kuppe-Matt
Adiarys Almeida
Eric Gauthier
Zoran Markovic
Sidra Bell
Christopher Hemmans
Macha Daudel
Jermaine Spivey
Paul Seaquist
Alphonse Poulin
Karole Armitage
Ayodele Casel
Kevin O’Day
Jutta Ebnother
Alexander Ekman
Kyle Abraham
Fernando Hernando Magadan
Anthony AntBoogie Rue II
Rosalie O’ Connor
Marguerite Donlon
Desmond Richardson
Maria Eichwald
Darrell Grand Moultrie
Marco Goecke
Roslyn Anderson
Alejandro Cerrudo
Rasta Thomas
Camille A. Brown
Stijn Celis
Lucia Lacarra
Cayetano Soto Ramirez
Tony Rizzi
A special Thank you to
Robert Jedam - Graphic Design
Frank Henne - Webmaster
Roger Jeffrey
Lisa Braswell
Birthdays gifts from other artists....
Lydia Caruso
A Italian writer/poet/dancer - An original poem for Interview En L' air's birthday - in the original Italian. An English translation offered below. 8 seconds of silence is before the poem.
A poem for Interview En L'air by Lydia Caruso spoken by Spoken by Cristiana Sciabordi. by Armando Braswell on Mixcloud
English translation
“Inspiration comes of working everyday” - Baudelaire. When you want to make art, any kind of art, first of all, you don’t need inspiration; you need to work. Spend hours, days, maybe years? And suddenly, during this process, INSPIRATION finally will come, like a bright light in your mind. With the inspiration, CURIOSITY will appear. As the curiosity to have a free access into the artist life and asking why? When? How? Knowing interesting details of their carrier, find things in common between theirs life and yours. Simples details, but also advices basing on the experience. Armando Braswell, the creator of “Interview en l’air”, he had both, inspiration and curiosity, but the power of his project is the trust and the sincerity of the artists he choose for it. TRUST which is not so easy to give; you are letting the custody of little parts of your life... remembers, stories, anecdotes, into the care of another person who will share it with the world. And SINCERITY, I can only say extraordinary in our time. Well, in “Interview en l’air", I could clearly perceive it. Finally, the result of all that is an agreeable INTERCHANGE. And is pleasant to see growing a project which is not based on money, but as I said before, in inspiration, curiosity, trust and sincerity. Only in exchange of not more than a hundred words shared with people. This is the reason why “Interview en l’air” has to keep on growing. Let us the enjoyment to know artists as they really are, taking off the mask and showing themselves. Like on stage, but with no lights, no decor, no movements or acting; only few white letters on a black background. Happy birthday “Interview en l’air”!! Hope to keep reading it in the years to come.
Thank you Lydia!!!!!
My friends know I love a good beat... here is an original mix from my homey DOvecaKE. Made for Interview En L'air's birthday! It is HOT!!!
1 yr Anniversary Interview En L'air Sunshine Celebration Mix by Dovecake on Mixcloud
Valentina Bischoff
An original drawing from Basel based artist. With interview En L'air as the inspiration. Kind of looks like the tattoo on my arm!?
SWEETS by Lisa
No birthday is compete without a cake. And I have have the best cake!!! Lisa you have really nailed this design!
Share an Interview! Show some love! Thank you for reading :) Next season starts next week!
[infobox]Help me keep this series going. Donate today! If you cant give now, Show your support and Join over 1000 Interview En L’air subscribers! Thank you![/infobox]
This Interview is optimized for iPhone and mobile devices.
Luca Tanzworkshop in Stuttgart
I am teaching at the LUCA Tanzworkshops!!!
July 26th and 27th 2014 in Stuttgart.
Probebühne des Theaterhauses Stuttgart
Löwentorstr. 66-70 Gebäude 6a+6,
Löwentorbogen, 70376 Stuttgart
Einzelbelegung pro Person: 30,00 € / Kurs (1 Kurs = 90 min)
Einzelbelegung pro Person: 40,00 € / Kurs (1 Kurs = 120 min)
Paket (Nur für 90 Minutenkurse gültig! ) 10% Rabatt auf den regulären Einzelkurspreis (pro Person): Ein Paket bildet sich bei einer Buchung von 4 Kursen. Kurse sind NICHT übertragbar)
Kurs 3: 14:00-15:30 Uhr Modern Jazz (A/M)
Kurs 5: 17:30-19:00 Uhr Modern Jazz (M/F)
Kurs 8: 14:00-15:30 Uhr Modern Jazz (A/M)
Kurs10: 17:30-19:00 Uhr Modern Jazz (M/F)
A= Anfänger, M= Mittelstufe, F= Fortgeschrittene/Profis
Hier gehts zur Workshop Anmeldung >>
For more information or to register for classes, please go here >>
"Divertissement" a new duet by Armando Braswell
Pronunciation: /dɪˈvəːtɪsmənt, ˌdiːvɛːˈtiːsmɒ̃/
A short performance, typically a ballet, that is presented as an interlude in an opera or play. A diversion; an amusement.
Interactive Visuals: Permi Jhooti, Tabea Rothfuchs
Costume: Raquel Rey Ramos
Music: Time Trouble, Max Richter, Dean Martin, Nancy Sinatra, Raylo and his Dawgs,
Arrangement and mix: Philip Kannicht
Dancers: Andrea Tortosa Vidal and Jorge Garcia
06.06.2014 -Fri 20.00 h Premiere
14.06.2014 - Sat 20.00 h
18.06.2014 - Wed 20.00 h
21.06.2014 - Sat 20.00 h
26.06.2014 - Thu 20.00 h
29.06.2014 - Sun 19.00 h - Final
For more information, check out the Theater Basel Website
Rehearsal photos from Amanda Hilfer
A sample of what is to come...
Armando as Blaubart
[infobox]UPDATE - May 13, 2014: I will be dancing ALL performances of Blaubarts Geheimnis at Theater Basel. See below for the added dates in red.[/infobox]
For those interested, I will be dancing the main role of "Bluebeard" in "Blaubarts Geheimnis" (Bluebeard's Secret) by Stephan Thoss at Theater Basel on the following dates only:
April - 2 - 4
May - 5 - 18 - 26 - 29
June - 7 - 10 - 12 - 17 - 23* - 28
If you were ever thinking, I should see Armando dance in Basel... Now is the time!!!
More info on the production here: Blaubarts Geheimnis It is a good show! Come see for yourself...
*The 23rd is my birthday and my partner's (Judith) birthday also!!!!
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I want to share these inspirational interviews with the world.
Advertising and promotion is expensive! I use Facebook to promote my weekly interviews. 52 weeks in a year, and at least 5 bucks to start the promotion. You do the math... The more I pay, the more people Facebook will show the post to.Very clever Facebook... anyway, I get what I pay for. Up until now it has been OK but I can't go on like this... I have to ask for help! I have gotten great feedback and these artists are worth being heard!
I was fortunate enough to have many people in my life who helped me keep moving forward.
They believed in me. This series is dedicated to all my “angels” who have helped me through those years. They have helped to shape the man I am today. I am not rich or famous, but I am living my dream and I am happy. I am a lucky guy. I hope that this series will help those who have not had the luck I had. It just takes a few words, to make you think… and that’s a start.
It only takes $5
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