Introducing "Interview en l’air" a new interview series
What is Interview En L'air?
This weekly series will consist of a short, informal interview that leaves readers with a quick peek into the minds of today’s great artists from all over the world. There are no wrong answers, simply a chance to think of the small things that make us human…and inherently great.
Why are you doing this?
I have had my fair share of hardships growing up in NYC. When it got really tough, I was fortunate enough to have many people in my life who helped me keep moving forward. They believed in me. This series is dedicated to all my "angels" who have helped me through those years. They have helped to shape the man I am today. I am not rich or famous, but I am living my dream and I am happy. I am a lucky guy. I hope that this series will help those who have not had the luck I had. It just takes a few words, to make you think... and that's a start.
Why should I read this?
A weekly dose of inspiration is good at any age , occupation, or level of experience. Interview en l'air is aimed to inspire emerging and established artists alike. Consider it a weekly dose of inspiration.
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It is not easy to start something like this. A LIKE, a COMMENT, or a SHARE goes a long way for a new online series. If you see a interview on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIN..... Show your love!
Armando teaching at the LUCA Tanzworkshops
First LUCA Tanzworkshops
LUCA Tanzprojekte presented a dance workshop series at the Produktion Zentrum in Stuttgart. The workshop offered two levels of Modern/Jazz class ( taught by me ) and two levels of Contemporary class taught by Michéle Swennen. Those who still had energy left were encouraged to take part in the choreography workshop also taught by Michéle. There was plenty of positive feedback and cool LUCA T-shirts. Check the LUCA website for more info. It was a well organized and fun weekend. A big success. Congratulations to Carmen and Luciana for following their dreams. Good job girls! Check out this cool video trailer of the workshop.
Choreographing for So You Think You Can Dance Ukraine
What is Armando doing in Kiev, Ukraine???? Choreographing for television ..... I love it. The dancers are passionate and intelligent. This experience has given me a lot to think about.Read more
AIDS Gala in Pforzheim 2012
It was a great evening in Pforzheim. Super organized, lots of chocolate :), and lots of interesting ballets. A GREAT group of dancers. It was a great success.
It was nice to see old friends Salome Martins, and Ihsan Rustem tearing up the stage!!! I was blown away by their smooth, clean, and dynamic quality. A great duet by Patrick Delcroix. It was nice to see them dance again. Shout out to Katja Wünsche.... beautiful as always with a new solo by Marco Goecke. Garazi Perez Oloriz was AMAZING... I have seen this "Hissstory" Pas by Eric Gauthier many times..... I am always amazed at her virtuosity. Thank you to James Sutherland and Ballet Pforzhiem for having us.
Randy B. I danced for you.
Eric Gauthier and Friends Gala
What a great show :)
Featuring 9 NEW ballets made by Gauthier Dance, for Gauthier Dance... including TWO ballets by yours truly...
Choreography: Armando Braswell
Music: Philip Kannicht
Set Design: David Fitzgerald
Costume Design: Marianne Illig
Lighting Design: Mario Daszenies
Choreography: Armando Braswell
Music: Amy Winehouse, Claude Debussy, Egon Madsen, Philip Kannicht
Costume Design: Gudrun Schretzmeier
Set Design: David Fitzgerald
Lighting Design: Mathieu Arnal
Summer workshops in NYC
Kunst im Klub
On July 30th, 2011 Phillip Kannicht and I presented "On The Run" a sound installation and improv in Club Zollamt Stuttgart. Presented by Outerim, it was a big success!
Joachim Reiderer - Dancers Feet
Audience Workshop in Baden Baden
Ready To Dance Project
I had the chance to work with a group of young people from two youth houses in Stuttgart. Together we put on a performance in Theaterhaus called Ready To Dance! Here is a cool video explaining the project and process. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun.
Threesome 3D
I am teaching Jazz Dance every monday at the NYCDS in Stuttgart! My class is Jazz with a Contemporary vibe.... ALL are welcome to come and dance with me. Click the photo below for more info.
Monday nights !!!
Intermediate: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Beginner : 8:15 - 9:45
Armando Interviewed on The